Monday, we learned to convert terminating and repeating decimals into fractions or mixed numbers. First, let's have some definitions.
terminating decimals - decimals that stop. They do not repeat. When dividing you have a remainder of 0.
examples: 0.25, 3.674
repeating decimals - decimals that repeat a number or series of numbers continually. To write a repeating decimal, you write the number or series of numbers that repeat one time and put a bar on top of the numbers that repeat.
__ __
examples: 0.5, 4.45
To convert a terminating decimal to a fraction you just say the decimal correctly using place value.
0.6 = 6/10 = 3/5
4.75 = 4 75/100 = 4 3/4
To convert a repeating decimal, where the entire decimal is repeating, you do what we call the "9-thing."
You put the decimal as the numerator and for each digit that is repeating in the decimal you put a 9 in the denominator.
0.5 = 5/9
0.63 = 63/99 = 7/11
5.363 = 5 363/999 = 5 121/333
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